Tell us your views of living with a long term health condition.


About this survey

General Practice in Herefordshire has asked Healthwatch Herefordshire to survey patients with long-term health conditions to understand how patients can be helped to manage their health effectively within their community, reduce hospital admissions, and slow disease progression where possible.

We’ll analyse what you say and write a report that we’ll share with local service providers to help shape future services. We may use quotes from your survey response in our final report, but we’ll remove any information that would identify you first.
The information you give us is completely confidential. If you give your contact details regarding volunteering or receiving our newsletter, they will only be used for these purposes.

For more information about what Healthwatch Herefordshire does, visit

For further information about how we process your data, see our privacy notice

A full list of our contact details is available at the end of this survey.


1. Who are you responding on behalf of? *