We are working on a Liveable Neighbourhood pilot scheme in Barton Hill and parts of Redfield and St George in East Bristol and need your help.

A Liveable Neighbourhood looks to:
- encourage people to spend more time on their streets, where they are also more likely to shop
- create new public spaces
- reduce the number of short car trips
- improve air quality
- increase walking and cycling
- strengthen communities through more social interaction.

Ahead of this we are keen to understand how businesses in the area operate so that this can be taken into consideration as plans develop.
We would like to hear from businesses who operate inside as well as on the edge of project area. 
Please tell us about your business through this survey.

East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood Project Area

Information you provide will be treated confidentially and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR UK). Your contact details will be used solely for the purpose of keeping you informed about the outcome of this engagement and sustainable travel advice if you have ticked the box to request this.

Our privacy policy, which explains how we will process your personal information, how long we will retain it and your rights as a data subject, are available at: www.bristol.gov.uk/consultationprivacynotice or on request.

If you have any queries relating to this survey or you would like this information in another format such as a different language, Braille, audio tape, large print, easy English, BSL video or CD Rom or plain text please contact us:

Email: liveableneighbourhoods@bristol.gov.uk

Phone: 0117 903 6449 and leave a message on the answerphone

Write to: East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood, Transport Engagement Team, PO BOX 3399, 100 Temple Street, Bristol BS1 9NE

1. What is the name of your business? *


2. What is the postcode of your business? *


3. Which of the following best describes your business size?


4. How do you and your employees travel to work?

Please let us know the proportion of employees who travel by different modes:

Up to 25%Up to 50%Up to 75%Up to 100%
Motorcycle or moped
Car or van driver (alone)
Car or van driver (with others)
Car or van passenger
Other mode of transport

5. How do your customers travel to the business?

Please let us know the proportion of customers who travel by different modes:

Up to 25%Up to 50%Up to 75%Up to 100%
Motorcycle or moped
Car or van driver (alone)
Car or van driver (with others)
Car or van passenger
Other mode of transport
What time does your business operate?

6. Start time


7. End time


8. What days does your business operate? Tick all that apply


9. How many deliveries do you get a week?


10. What types of vehicles are used for the deliveries?


11. How are goods brought into the shop/ business?


12. Do you have access to any loading bays?


13. How frequently are the loading bays used by your business?


14. If you do not have access to a loading bay, where do you do most of your loading/unloading?


15. How frequent is your waste collection?


16. What days of the week is your waste collected?


17. Where is the waste collected from?


18. Which company collects your waste?


19. Do you have any issues with your waste collection?


20. Please leave us any further comments, suggestions or questions on this survey or about the project below:

Find out how sustainable travel can benefit your staff and organisation, such as:
- Improving staff health and wellbeing and reducing sickness and absenteeism
- Reducing required car parking provision and associated cost
- Increasing staff morale and productivity
- Reducing business travel time and cost
- Reducing congestion and air pollution
- Improving your environmental credentials.

Our sustainable travel experts are funded by the Department for Transport to increase the number of people walking, cycling, using public transport, and car-sharing. 

21. Would you like our sustainable travel experts to contact you with free advice? *