NCLOG - Membership Registration

National Contaminated Land Officer Group - Member Sign up!

Following the Founding Members’ workshop, held in June 2019, you can now sign up to become a member of NCLOG. Joining will enable you to be part of the collective voice, to view the NCLOG SharePoint site and to receive news and updates.

Confirmation that you wish to be a member of NCLOG *


Confirmation you are happy for your details to be used for NCLOG communications *


Please provide your name, contact information and relevant details 
Phone Number useful (not essential) *


As part of becoming a NCLOG member, we ask all members to adhere to your Local Authority GDPR policy. Can you confirm that you have undertaken GDPR training through your council? *


In future if a NCLOG communication group is setup, which communication would you prefer to use?

Your privacy is important to us. Any personal information you provide will be collected and used only to process your registration in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.

This registration form is designed by the Interim Committee of  The National Contaminated Land Officer Group (Voluntary group) to collect information from other councils and businesses who wish to join the NCLOG as a member and their views on the future communication and potential volunteering.

This survey will be live until end of January 2020, after which the data will be removed from this site and stored in Dudley Councils SharePoint page setup for NCLOG  which is controlled by the NCLOG co-chairs.

For use of Smart Surveys please see Privacy Notices: visit