Diolch am gymryd amser i gwblhau’r holiadur hwn ar-lein. Rydych wedi derbyn yr holiadur hwn oherwydd i chi gael eich cyfeirio’n ddiweddar at Wasanaeth Glasoed Gogledd Cymru, ac rydym yn hoffi gofyn i’r bobl ifanc (a’u teuluoedd) am eu profiad o’r broses gyfeirio (hyd yn oed os na ddaeth y person ifanc i’r uned yn y diwedd).

Mae gennym ddiddordeb hefyd mewn clywed eich barn am unrhyw asesiadau a gawsoch, a sut aeth pethau pan gawsoch eich derbyn i’r gwasanaeth os daethoch chi i’r uned. Rydym yn defnyddio’ch sylwadau i’n helpu i ddeall beth sy’n ddefnyddiol i rieni, gofalwyr a phobl ifanc, a beth hoffen nhw i ni newid.

Mae’r adborth i gyd yn cael ei drin yn gyfrinachol ac rydym yn gofyn i chi beidio â chynnwys gwybodaeth bersonol yn yr atebion gan y gallai hynny ddangos pwy ydych chi.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this online questionnaire. You have been sent this questionnaire because you were recently referred to the North Wales Adolescent Service, and we like to ask young people (and their families) about their experience of the referral process (even if the young person didn’t come to the unit in the end).

We are also really interested to hear your views about any assessments you may have had, and how things went with your admission to the service if you did come into the unit.  We use your comments to help us to understand what parents, carers and young people find helpful, and what they would like us to change. 

All feedback is treated as confidential and we ask that you do not include any personal information within the answers given as it may be identifiable.


1. Dywedwch wrthym am eich profiad o gael eich cyfeirio at y gwasanaeth. Er enghraifft, a gawsoch chi ddigon o wybodaeth amdanon ni? A wnaethon ni ymateb yn gyflym i’ch cyfeiriad? Sut gallem ni wella? Cofiwch beidio â rhoi unrhyw wybodaeth bersonol yn y cwestiwn hwn)

Please tell us about your experience of being referred to the service. For example, did you have enough information about us? Did we respond quickly to your referral? How could we improve? (please remember to not include any personal information in this question)


2. Dywedwch wrthym am unrhyw asesiadau a gawsoch gyda’n staff. Er enghraifft, a wnaethon ni esbonio amcanion yr asesiad i chi fel ei fod yn gwneud synnwyr? A wnaethon ni gyfarfod â chi mewn amser/lle a oedd yn gyfleus i chi? (Os na chawsoch asesiad rhowch ‘dim asesiad’. Cofiwch beidio â rhoi unrhyw wybodaeth bersonol yn y cwestiwn hwn.)

Please tell us about any assessments you had with our staff. For example, did we explain the aims of the assessment so it made sense? Did we meet you at a time/place that was convenient for you? (If you didn’t have an assessment just put ‘no assessment’. Please remember to not include any personal information in this question.)


3. Dywedwch wrthym am gyrraedd yr uned. Er enghraifft, a wnaethoch chi ymweld â ni cyn hynny i weld y lle? A wnaethon ni esbonio sut mae pethau’n gweithio yn yr uned? A gawsoch chi gyfle i ofyn cwestiynau? Os na ddaethoch chi i’r uned, rhowch ‘dim dod i’r uned’. Cofiwch beidio â rhoi unrhyw wybodaeth bersonol yn y cwestiwn hwn.)

Please tell us about coming into the unit.  For example, did you visit us before to have a look around?  Did we explain how things work at the unit?   Did you have a chance to ask questions?  (If you didn’t come to the unit just put ‘no admission’. Please remember to not include any personal information in this question.)