Diolch am gymryd amser i lenwi’r holiadur hwn gan eich bod wedi gorffen eich triniaeth yn NWAS. Rydych wedi cael yr holiadur hwn oherwydd byddem wir yn hoffi gwybod faint o help oedd eich amser yn y gwasanaeth a bydd yn ein helpu ni i wella’r gwasanaethau yn y dyfodol. Mae pob holiadur yn gyfrinachol a gofynnwn i chi beidio cynnwys gwybodaeth sy’n dangos pwy ydych chi yn yr atebion.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire now that you have finished your treatment at NWAS. 'You have been sent this questionnaire because we would really like to know how helpful you found your time in the service and it will support us to improve services in the future. All questionnaires are confidential and we ask that you do not include any identifiable information within the answers.


1. Sut mae pethau rŵan o’u cymharu â phan gyrhaeddoch chi NWAS? (Ticiwch un)

How are things now compared to when you arrived at NWAS? (Please tick one)



2. Beth sydd wedi newid i chi? (cofiwch beidio â rhoi gwybodaeth bersonol yn y cwestiwn hwn) 
What’s changed for you? (please remember to not include any personal information in this question)


3. Beth oedd y pethau a helpodd fwyaf yn NWAS? (cofiwch beidio â rhoi gwybodaeth bersonol yn y cwestiwn hwn)
What were the most helpful things about being at NWAS? (please remember to not include any personal information in this question)


4. Beth oedd y pethau a helpodd leiaf yn NWAS? cofiwch beidio â rhoi gwybodaeth bersonol yn y cwestiwn hwn)
What were the least helpful things about being at NWAS? (please remember to not include any personal information in this question)


5. A gawsoch chi ddigon i gefnogaeth gennym ni/gan wasanaethau eraill pan symudoch chi ymlaen o NWAS? (cofiwch beidio â rhoi gwybodaeth bersonol yn y cwestiwn hwn)
Did you get enough support from us/from other services when you moved on from NWAS? (please remember to not include any personal information in this question)


6. Os gallech chi newid un peth am NWAS, beth fyddai hwnnw? (cofiwch beidio â rhoi gwybodaeth bersonol yn y cwestiwn hwn
If you could change one thing about NWAS, what would it be? (please remember to not include any personal information in this question)