National Inclusion Week 2023 Resources and Offering Survey

Please note that this survey is anonymous and we may use the aggregated data for marketing and reporting purposes. Please do not complete this survey if you would not like us to use your feedback for this purpose. 

1. How likely is it that you would recommend National Inclusion Week to a friend or colleague? *

Not at all likely Extremely likely

2. What did you think of this year's theme: Take Action Make Impact and how did you engage with the theme?


3. Which of the National Inclusion Week Free resources did you use or download and how would you rate them? ( tick all that apply)

How to prepare for NIW
NIW events overview
NIW webinar packages with prices
NIW 203 theme overview
3 top tips for leaders
3 top tips for individuals
4 top tips for I&D and HR professionals
Meeting starters overview
Inclusion meeting starter 1
Inclusion meeting starter 2
Inclusion meeting starter 3
NIW Quiz
Daily actions overview
Day 1 Take action - engage your employees
Day 2 Take action - equip your employees
Day 3 Take action - empower your employees
Day 4 Take action - embedding inclusion
Day 5 Take action - evolving inclusion
Day 6 Take action - evaluating impact
Day 7 Take action - evaluating impact of NIW
NIW Bunting
Teams / Zoom Virtual Backgrounds
Logos and campaign artwork

4. If you did not use the resources, did your organisation participate in NIW in other ways?


5. If so, what activities did you organise instead?


6. Did you attend one or some of the NIW daily webinars? Tick and rate all that apply.

Monday 25th September - Take Action Make Impact National Inclusion Week 2023 Launch
Monday 25th September - Inclusive Sport Event
Tuesday 26th September - Challenging Anti-Wokeness and building the case for I&D
Wednesday 27th September - Recruit Inclusively for a Diverse Workplace
Thursday 28th September - Protect your Mental Health from I&D Burnout
Thursday 28th September - Cultural Awareness - influencing and being inclusive across different cultures
Friday 29th September - Take Action Make Impact Best Practice Showcase

7. Did you have an in house session delivered by Inclusive Employers for NIW? Tick and rate all that apply.

Take Action: to become an inclusion ally and create an inclusive environment for your colleagues
Take Action: to deliver an inclusive customer or service user experience
Take Action: to engage in inclusive communications in your workplace
Take Action: to prioritise mental health at work
Take Action: to challenge your unconscious bias
Take Action: to understand intersectionality and how this impacts your colleagues
Take Action: to engage global colleagues

8. National Inclusion Week has inspired me to behave differently in future:


9. Do you have any further comments that would help us improve National Inclusion Week ?


10. Is your organisation a member of Inclusive Employers?