Welsh Netball's #NetsGetReady Club & League Registration Form

1. The club secretary must complete this checklist before any netball activity sessions can take place from Stage 4 onwards


1. Type of organisation *


2. Club/League Name *


3. Local Authority *


4. The club/league has appointed a COVID-19 Co-ordinator? *


5. COVID-19 Co-ordinator details:
Contact details will only be used to share Welsh Netball COVID-19 related information in line with COVID-19 Co-ordinator role description *


6. The club/league COVID-19 Co-ordinator has undertaken Welsh Netball's COVID-19 Co-ordinator Training? *


7. The club/league has completed a COVID-19 risk assessment for all of it's organised netball activities in line with Welsh Netball's guidance? *


8. The club/league has shared Welsh Netball's COVID-19 guidance with the following groups of people: *

Club Committee Members
Players (juniors & adult)
Parents (juniors only)

9. Signature *
