Sainsbury's New Cross Gate development proposals

NewXGateActionGroup Survey

The following survey is intended to find out your views about the proposed development by Sainsbury's on  their New Cross Gate supermarket site.  This survey was originally carried out to seek views on the original proposals by Sainsbury's.  Sainsbury's have now applied for planning permission.  The only material change is to reduce the number of units (see question 1) to 1,161 from 1,500 although still retaining a 33 storey tower block.  We would still therefore very much like your answers to the questions in the survey and we greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.

For more details on the proposals and other ways to make your views felt,  go to, join NewXGateActionGroup on Facebook or email

The full planning application can be found on the Council website under reference DC/19/114283

There are 12 questions in this survey which should take around 5 minutes to answer. Your answers will remain confidential and will only be used in an aggregated form to present the results to Sainsbury’s and to Lewisham Council and to inform the ongoing campaign. Your answers can be anonymous if you choose.

We would also urge you to write with your comments on the proposal directly to Lewisham Council using the details on their website, by email to or in writing to Lewisham's planning department.  Objections must be in writing and whilst this survey will help to support the response by the NewXActionGroup, it is NOT a replacement for sending your views directly to the Council.  The deadline for comments is 15 Mach 2020.
Check out our survey templates or create your own.