About your answers
We’ll use your answers to help improve the service.
Please do not share personal information in your answers.
All information you provide will be treated in confidence and your answers won’t be shared outside The Ministry of Justice.


1. How did you find out about the 'Find a Legal Advisor or Family Mediator' website?


2. Were you able to do what you needed to do on the 'Find a Legal Advisor or Family Mediator' website?


3. How easy was it to use the 'Find a Legal Advisor ...' website


4. Overall, how satisfied are you with the 'Find a Legal Advisor ...' website?


5. What do you think about the amount of time it took you to use this website?


6. How many legal aid advisors/legal firms listed on the website did you contact?


7. Did you find someone to help you with your legal problem?


8. Do you have another feedback or suggestions on how we can improve this website?


9. Would you like to help us make this service better by taking part in user research? If so, enter your email address below and we will be in touch to book a session. 


About your personal information
If you want to participate in future research you can read about how we look after your personal information here: Protecting your personal information (link in text)