Our Police, Our Community Survey 2023


1. South Wales Police & Crime Commissioner - Community Survey

Picture of Police and Crime Commissioner, Alun Michael
Every year, as your Police & Crime Commissioner, my team and I run a community survey. This provides me with valuable insight into your views on my budget proposals, as well as your feedback and experiences of local policing.

Feedback from previous surveys has been key in developing several areas of my team’s work, including: 
Graphic of partnership
How we work with local organisations and South Wales Police, to better target funds and resources on specific areas/issues that are repeatedly raised as a concern.  
Graphic of people engaging
The places and communities I’ve visited, to further explore the concerns raised and look at how the police and partner organisations are working together to address these issues.

Graphic of people in meeting
The topics we've discussed with South Wales Police in our scrutiny meetings, which has enabled us to recommend how services can be improved, as well as identify good practice. 

To help inform my decision making for the 2024/25 police budget and to provide me and my team with valuable insights about local policing, we would value your time in completing this short survey. 

Survey extended - closes on Friday 22nd December

If you have any queries or would like this questionnaire in an alternative format, please contact: engagement@south-wales.police.uk.