The PEA is designed to help prevent Children in Care from falling behind their peers in their education or, if they are behind, to help them catch-up.
- Confirm that the young person is at risk of not reaching expected levels of progress and give their actual levels of attainment - this will be identified through the PEP process;
- Identify the service, activity, or support needed to support the young person and confirm that this should not be funded through existing entitlement. Also describe the activity or support fully and include all the cost implications;
- Include the views of the young person - it is important to make sure that they want to take part in the activity;
- Describe how you will measure the success of the activity - effectiveness will need to be judged against criteria such as raised attainment, engagement, improved attendance, and improved behaviour; and
- Set a firm timescale for review - the evaluation will need to include the views of the child, Carer, the School and the Social Worker. It should be an agenda item at the PEP meeting.
- PEA maximum = £300 per financial year, please note we unable to make retrospective payments outside the current financial year
- Only available for NCY 0 - NCY 11 inclusive
**Please note that no application will be considered in the last two weeks of March**