Have your say - care and support for people with moderate frailty


The NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) plans, arranges, and monitors the provision and budget for all health and care services across the region. 

People are living for longer with more complex conditions in older age and often require specialist care from a range of professionals in a multidisciplinary team. There are people in our community who are living with multiple health conditions, may get support for day-to-day meal preparation and cleaning from family or carers and may be struggling with meeting others and completing daily tasks due to poor mobility.  People who have these issues and more can be described as having a moderate level of clinical frailty.

People who are admitted to hospital during episodes of moderate frailty (caused by a fall or infection) can, due to their frail condition, be worse off following this experience. The ICB is seeking to reduce the number of people with moderate frailty attending urgent and emergency care and being admitted to hospital.

We want to put in place the right assessment, self-care and support for people with moderate frailty so that they can continue to live independently at home without needing to be admitted to hospital.

Our frailty project seeks to encourage our communities, families and carers to tell us their experience of people who have frailty and what their needs are.  We want to understand these needs and use this to help shape future service delivery and the type of care we should provide. We are particularly interested in hearing from people who are frail and/or their carers and those who work with them.

Please help us by completing this survey.

Please read this data protection statement which explains how we will use the information we are collecting from you.
Only demographic detail is requested in order to monitor responses in accordance with the protected characteristics. No personal data is requested and the survey is anonymous and confidential.  The information shared with decision-makers relates to themes and trends in responses and points of view on the services under discussion.

Survey results and data will be securely held. Paper copies will be held in a locked room. Survey material will be kept for a 5-year period.



1. Please confirm if you have read and agree with the data protection statement above? *


2. Which area of Lancashire and South Cumbria do you live in?


3. Are you? (please choose a category or categories that you feel are most appropriate to you) *


4. Do you, or someone you know and/or care for, meet the definition of someone with moderate frailty?

This means you or the person you care for probably need help with outside activities and keeping house, may struggle with stairs and with bathing and dressing. You may also struggle with managing finances, medication and making other arrangements. If the frailty is more severe than this, please tick the appropriate answer. *