What information is being collected?
This survey is to collect feedback on Medway's draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022-25.

Why is it being collected? 
Feedback is being collected to establish whether the draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment fulfills its purpose.

Who is collecting it?
These data are being collected by Medway Council. 

How will it be used?
The survey results will be used to inform updates to the draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment.
How long will it be kept?
Data will be kept for 1 year after the conclusion of the survey. 
How will it be stored?
Data will be stored on a secure drive and destroyed after 1 year. 

How long will the form take to complete?
This form will take 10-15 minutes to complete. 

Please note that this survey is not designed to collect personal data/information. Please do not enter personal information (e.g., name, address) in the free text answer boxes. 

Medway Council processes personal data consistent with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018. For more information about how the Council processes your personal data please see our privacy notice on our website at: 