
Stats Wales user feedback survey

1. How you use Stats Wales


Please fill in this short survey to help us improve Stats Wales. View our privacy notice (on GOV.WALES) on the data we collect.

1. What is your interest in Stats Wales data?

Select all that apply *


2. How do you access StatsWales data?

Select all that apply *


3. Please select an option from the list below about your use of Open Data *


4. What tasks do you do with regards to Stats Wales data?

Select all that apply *


5. Overall, how did you feel about the StatsWales website you used today?  *


6. What information were you looking to find? *


7. How easy was it to find the data you were looking for on the Stats Wales website? *


8. How would you rate the quality of the data on the Stats Wales website? *


9. How could we improve the Stats Wales website? *


10. Would you like to be part of future user research for the new Stats Wales service? *