FLS-DB Annual Report 2021 survey


1. Have you read the 2021 FLS-DB annual report (https://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/projects/outputs/fls-database-annual-report-2021)? *


2. If you have not read the report, why not?


3. Which section(s) did you find useful?


4. To date, have you used the FLS-DB report findings for (tick all that apply):


5. Do you intend to use the report findings for any of the following? (tick all that apply)


6. What parts of the annual report do you find most useful? (tick all that apply)


7. What aspect of the report would you change, if given the opportunity?


8. Has the report prompted you to visit our website and look at the data?


9. Provide your email address below if you are happy to discuss your responses further

Check out our survey templates or create your own.