SW Museum Skills: Snap shot survey - Covid-19

1. Welcome

South West Museum Development is inviting those working or volunteering in museum and heritage organisations across the south west to tell us their immediate and longer term training needs for their organisation over the coming year due to the impact of Covid-19.

The information supplied on this survey will be used to help inform its 2020/21 South West Museum Skills Programme to ensure the sector's workforce in the region has access to relevant resources and professional development opportunities to support them in their work moving forward.

We recognise that many staff and volunteers are not currently working or volunteering and that for those that are, you may not yet be in a position to articulate your needs; please be assured there will be further opportunities to tell us your professional development needs in the coming months. 

This is a snap-shot survey comprising of a maximum of 12 questions depending on your responses and should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. The survey will close on Thursday 7th May 2020.

If you have any questions about this survey please contact us at museum.development@bristol.gov.uk 

About the South West Museum Development 

South West Museum Development is a Sector Support Organisation funded by Arts Council England and contributing Local Authorities in the south west of England. Our mission is to support museums in the region to be ambitious, develop excellence and resilience, increase audiences and support community engagement.