Sustainable Land-Use Advice Service

1. Who are you?

We would like to understand a little about you / your organisation so we can interpret your response

1. Which of the following best describes you / or your organisation? If an organisation, please state. *


2. Are you responsible for making decisions on changes in land-use for land in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough? *


3. If yes, would you need to come to agreement with an additional party to make changes, and who are they?


4. If relevant, could you give an estimate of your total controlled land holdings that sit within the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority area in Acres or Hectares? (Please state which). *


5. Could you rank each of the following on a scale of one to five, where one is 'not a priority' and five is 'an absolute priority', for yourself or your organisation?