EN_Meaningful capacity-building methodologies on security and protection (participants)

1. Instructions

Dear Human Rights Defenders (HRDs), organisations or collectives,

Protection International is launching a process to map out capacity-building practices on security and protection that have had a meaningful impact on your daily work and protection. Therefore, we are looking for HRDs/organisations and/or collectives WHO HAVE RECEIVED any type of capacity-building support on security and protection management (training, workshop, etc.). 

If you have received this type of support and are willing to contribute to PI's research, we kindly ask you to complete the following survey. Please try and be as detailed as possible whenever you can. The survey is anonymous. Feel free to omit any detail which you think might lead to your identificaton. We'll ask for your email at the end of the survey in case you agree to be part of a follow up interview or focus group, but we will also give you the option to write to us to let us know if you wish to preserve the anonymity of your replies.

This survey is the initial stage of a research that aims to highlight good practices regarding capacity building process for security and protection and develop standards for how capacity-building on security and protection for HRDs should be designed and conducted. Beyond this survey and this general objective, this process aims to:
  • Draw lessons from existing literature and practices.
  • Develop a theory of change with capacity-building at its centre.
  • Bring the voice and inputs of HRDs back into the design of capacity-building activities.

We will then process and share the results of this survey and then start a collaborative process in order to develop standards for how capacity-building on security and protection for HRDs should be designed and conducted.

Your input will be highly valuable!

Thanks in advance for the time you’ll invest in this.

Protection International