Business luxury and lifestyle magazine. Could you please spare a few minutes to fill out the questionaire below. The subscriber who sends the questionnaire back, will get a free subscribtion to Boast Magazine's online edition.

1. Full name and *email address?
(*You will need to provide your email address in order to get the half year free online magazine subscription so that we can let you know when the first issue is available.Please only give your email address if you want to receive the Boast Magazine half year online subscription. We will use your information for this purpose only, will not give it to third parties. By filling the questionnaire you accept our data protection policy you can find here : ). *


2. Gender? *


3. Address? (Town and country you live in). *


4. Age? *


5. Highest Qualification? *


6. Occupation? *


7. Do you read or subscribe to any printed Lifestyle or business magazines? If so, which one(s)? If not, please explain why. *


8. Do you read or subscribe to any online Lifestyle or business magazines? If so, which one(s)? If not, please explain why. *


9. Are you happy with your current subscription whether it is online or printed? If yes, why? If not, why not? *


10. Have you ever bought products that were advertised in these publications?


11. Which lifestyle and business topics are you most interested in reading about? *


12. Would you like to read about cultural topics? *


13. Do you have any hobbies or sports? If yes, what are these? *


14. Are you a member of any club, organisation or charity?


15. Do you use any form of social media? If yes, which one? If not, why is that? *

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