Power of Purpose


1. If you would like to receive your results please enter your email address in the box below


2. I am very happy at work


3. People at work tell me I am good at what I do


4. I believe that my organisation seeks to build long lasting relationships of mutual benefit with our stakeholders


5. I was excited to come to work every day last week


6. I believe that my organisation makes a positive difference to society


7. I do not understand how my work contributes to achieving the purpose of my organisation


8. I feel like I can make a lot of inputs to deciding how my job gets done


9. I understand how my organisation is creating value for our customers


10. The processes I follow support the organisations' desired outcomes


11. I am incentivised to act in ways that achieve our purpose


12. I recognise work requests that do not align with our purpose


13. I sometimes act in ways that do not align with the purpose of the organisation


14. I can not explain what differentiates my organisation to others in the same industry


15. I understand why what we do is important


16. There are not many people at work that I am close to


17. Our purpose does not help me make 'do the right thing' decisions when operating in the grey


18. Overall, I am very satisfied with work


19. My actions at work align with my values even when there is the potential for personal risk


20. I feel that the work I do is personally important to me


21. I really like the people I work with


22. I feel good about what my organisation does


23. I am not able to clearly articulate the purpose of my organisation


24. Our leaders share stories that bring our purpose to life


25. I am free to express my ideas and opinions on the job


26. We put people first


27. I do not feel very competent when I am at work


28. I get a chance at work to do what I love


29. I feel proud of what I do


30. Overall, I feel well (physically, mentally) at work


Lastly, would you like to express what you find meaning from at work?