Voices Through Time - Survey of Transcribers

1. Coram Voices Through Time - Transcribers

Thank you for transcribing with us on Voices Through Time: The Story of Care. This survey is about your experience of transcribing.
Your participation is voluntary, and you can choose to withdraw at any time by closing the survey. If you do not want to answer any questions, please leave them blank. Your responses will be anonymous. The Voices Through Time privacy policy can be accessed here.

This survey will take a couple of minutes to complete, and a minute further if you answer questions 'about you', which will help us understand the profile of Voices Through Time volunteers and reach a wider audience.

Your feedback will be used to evaluate the Voices Through Time project and help improve future volunteering opportunities. We will be writing a report of all feedback received for the project's funder (the National Lottery Heritage Fund) and this may be published. Coram’s Impact and Evaluation team are evaluating the Voice Through Time project. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact research@coram.org.uk.

1. How long have you been transcribing on the Voices Through Time project?


2. How often do you transcribe on the project?
(Please give an average number of times per month)


How did you hear about this transcription project?


3. What made you want to volunteer on this project?


4. Would you recommend this volunteering opportunity to others?


5. Your experience of volunteering on this project so far has been...?

Not at allA little bitSomewhatVery

6. Transcribing on this project has increased my understanding of:

Not at allA little bitSomewhatA lot
The Foundling Hospital
The history of care
The Coram charity as it exists today and the work it does

7. What, if anything, have you learnt from volunteering on this project?

NothingA littleA lot
About the historical records and archive
Transcribing skills
Digital skills
Research skills
Other (please specify in box below)

8. Thinking about your quality of experience, how would you rate the following?

Great!Small improvement(s) neededMajor improvement(s) needed
Communication from the Voices Through Time Team
Support from the Voices Through Time Team
The transcribing process
Guidance about transcribing
The records and the information about them
Engagement with the volunteer community

9. An additional section of this survey asks questions about you. These questions will help us understand the profile of those volunteering on the Voices Through Time project, report back to its funders (the National Lottery Heritage Fund), and improve volunteering opportunities.

Would you be willing to answer a quick few more questions? *