Understanding Disability Awards nomination form 2024


Understanding Disability Awards 2024 - nominations for awards

Cardiff & the Vale Parents Federation hold a ceremony every year to celebrate outstanding people that have gone the extra mile to involve and include people with a learning disability in all aspects of daily life.

The Awards recognise those that have made an extra effort and highlights examples of good practice as a beacon for others!
We present awards in 6 categories:

Employer - a company/employer who has made workplace adjustments to help someone gain or maintain employment

School/College - an institution that has gone above and beyond to include and accommodate a disabled child or young person

Individual (or group of individuals) - someone who has helped welcome and include a disabled individual in their community

Organisation - a group that has made extra effort to support and involve disabled people

Professional - eg a healthcare or social worker who has gone above and beyond to help and support a disabled individual

Child or young person - a younger nominee who has demonstrated kindness or gone out of their way to include another with a disability

Help us to identify and celebrate someone who deserves recognition for all they do!
Just choose a category and enter a short description of why you feel your nominee is worthy of merit, giving examples where possible. (250 word limit)

If you would like to make multiple nominations, please submit a separate form for each nomination.

Please leave your contact details in the next section, so we can contact you if we require any additional information. All your details will be treated in the strictest confidentiality.

Nominations will close on the 19th July 2024.

The Awards ceremony will take place on the morning of 31st October 2024 - if you're making a nomination, please ensure both you and your nominated person(s) will be available to attend.

The award recipients will be contacted in September so that we can confirm their availability for a presentation.


Please leave YOUR name and contact details below *


1. Please leave the name and contact details of the person or organisation you wish to nominate below *


2. Please choose the award category for which you are making a nomination *


3. Please explain why you are making this nomination, with examples if possible.
How has this person/organisation gone above and beyond to understand and include people with disabilities?

(If you need more space, drop us a email with the extra information.) *