GDC New Programme Submission Form

Information about the Programme

The aim of this form is to give an overview of the proposed programme, its set up and general structure. The form must be fully completed and answer all questions about the programme, including programme length, whether full time or part time, staffing & staffing structures and the assessment strategy. The number of cohorts expected in each intake and projected start date must also be included. Any areas deemed not applicable should be completed with ‘N/A’.
The Annex One mapping table within this form should be fully completed stating what evidence is available to demonstrate how each requirement is met. As some evidence may not be available until the programme begins, the information must clearly specify what evidence will be available in future, for example, at the first inspection. The Standards for Education document contains examples of the types of evidence that providers may use to demonstrate how each of the requirements will be met.

Please answer each question fully on this form and state clearly if any part of a question is not applicable. Your answers should provide information directly relating to the programme. If you reference any document in your answers, please indicate clearly the page / section of the attachment where the relevant information is found.

Please ensure that when completing the questionnaire, the answers provided are detailed and relevant to the question, as this will assist and improve the inspection process.

Should any questions be unclear, please contact us at

1. Provider Name *


2. Category (or categories) of GDC registration the qualification will lead to *


3. The full title of the qualification as it will appear on the certificate *


4. The name of the lead institution delivering the course *


5. The awarding body of the qualification *


6. The duration of the course (in weeks) include a 0 for years not applicable *


7. Give a brief format of the programme (e.g. Year 1: basic knowledge, clinical attendance; shadowing) *


8. Name of the Programme Lead and the senior registrant responsible for signing off students as fit to practise, if this is not the named person *


9. Projected annual student intake *


10. Anticipated start date *


11. Projected date the first students will qualify (Month/Year) *


12. Details of other qualifications offered by your institution that lead to GDC registration *


13. Please provide an organogram for the programme, listing those staff who deliver parts of the programme including their involvement and role *

Choose File

14. Provide a brief description or overview of the general structure of the programme *


15. Provide details of when during the programme students attend the various clinical locations, describe these locations, how long a student spends at a location and the activities undertaken at each *


16. Please briefly summarise the assessment and delivery strategy for the programme *


17. Please attach a copy of your "Blueprinting" or "Mapping of Assessment to the GDC Learning Outcomes" If you do not have a template, please request a copy of Annex Two from your EQA Lead who will be able to share this with you. *

Choose File

18. Please add anything further you wish us to know about this programme