Vibrant Communities – Multiply Stop Motion Registration - Winter Learning Festival

1. Vibrant Communities – Multiply Stop Motion Session -Registration

This workshop will showcase the benefits to an integrated literacy and numeracy approach to learning, using everyday creative themes and activities as a way to engage in literacies learning. This workshop will provide an overview of how Integrated numeracy and literacy learning is delivered with East Ayrshire’s Vibrant Communities Multiply provision. Multiply- Maths in Stop Motion’s workshop will take you on a tour of how to use Maths in stop motion; and the benefits to this style and approach to engagement and learning when working with adults, families and children.

To register your place, please fill out the survey with your contact details.


Venue Location:  MSTEAMS
Date: Monday 19/02/2024

Time: 2-3pm

Contact name: Natasha Torbett, 

Link to MSTEAMS session: 

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 387 259 856 622 
Passcode: 2dTodG




1. Name


2. Job Title


3. Organisation


4. Email Address


5. Contact Telephone number