Kent Police & Crime Commissioner: Support Provision for all Crime Victims Survey

The Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) has responsibility for ensuring the delivery of efficient and effective support services for victims of crime in Kent, regardless of whether that crime has been reported to the Police.  This service provision must include the commissioning of a referral and support service for all victims of crime who report to the Police, or who wish to self-refer for support, even if they haven’t reported to the Police. This service was commissioned in 2016 and is currently delivered by Victim Support. However, we are now required to re-tender this service, with the new provision needing to start on 1 April 2023.
The PCC is seeking the views of victims and survivors regarding their experience of the support services, and what they feel those services should offer individuals to help them cope with their experiences of crime.
We recognise sensitivities in seeking this feedback, however, this information will help shape how support is delivered in the future and will ensure we are responsive to the needs of all victims / survivors. This information will help shape the structure and delivery of the new service offer.
This survey consists of questions aimed at understanding what support may have been accessed and what services should be provided.  Only complete those questions that you feel able to and if you need to access to support, please contact:
Victim Support on 0808 168 9276. Lines are open Monday to Friday 8am-8pm and Saturday 9am-5pm.  If you need support outside of our open hours, call the 24/7 Supportline for free on 08 08 16 89 111 or request support via the website. 
Victim Support free live chat support service available 24/7.

1. Please indicate which of the below best applies to you.