Understanding our tenants census

In this census we ask for personal information that you may find sensitive.  All replies will be treated in the strictest confidence and you can refuse to answer any particular questions.
Please answer as many questions as you can since this will help us to provide services which are tailored to meet your individual needs.

Examples of what we will use your information for include:
  • Notifying a family member or carer to be present during visits by staff, contractors, consultants and support agencies.
  • Providing information in an different language & telephoning or texting instead of sending letters.
  • Providing large print letters
If you have any queries orwould like help completing this questionnaire please telephone the association on 01685 352800 and speak with a member of the housing team.

1. Please tell us your contact details so we can update our records.


2. Do you wish us to send letters to a different address, or would you like us to talk with a family member or support worker?

If Yes please put their name and address below:


3. You and your household

Tenant 1 Details:


4. Title of Tenant 1


5. You and your household

Tenant 2 Details:


6. Title of Tenant 2


7. Please tell us about any other people that live with you


8. What is your religion?

Tenant 1


9. What is your religion?

Tenant 2


10. Tenant 1

What is your ethnic group?

Choose one section from A to E for each person then tick one box for each person to best describe their ethnic group or background

  • White
  • Mixed or multiple ethnic groups
  • Asian, Asian Welsh or Asian British
  • Black, Black Welsh, Black British, Caribbean or African
  • Other Ethnic Group

11. Tenant 2

What is your ethnic group?

Choose one section from A to E for each person then tick one box for each person to best describe their ethnic group or background

  • White
  • Mixed or multiple ethnic groups
  • Asian, Asian Welsh or Asian British
  • Black, Black Welsh, Black British, Caribbean or African
  • Other Ethnic Group

12. Tenant 3

What is your ethnic group?

Choose one section from A to E for each person then tick one box for each person to best describe their ethnic group or background

  • White
  • Mixed or multiple ethnic groups
  • Asian, Asian Welsh or Asian British
  • Black, Black Welsh, Black British, Caribbean or African
  • Other Ethnic Group