Carers Voices
Do you help someone in their day-to-day life? Perhaps with their shopping, getting out and about, keeping on top of their bills or medication? Or perhaps you keep them company if they can’t get out much, or help them with personal care or housework?
It could be a member of your family that you help, or a friend or neighbour. You may help them occasionally, or it may be that most of your time is spent looking after them because they are unable to take care of themselves. You may receive some kind of payment for helping them, or like many in our community, you do what you do simply because you care. Or perhaps you are a former carer, with experience of caring for someone at any point over the last five years?
We have launched an exciting new opportunity called ‘Carers Voices’ and would really like to hear from you about your experiences. We want to know what you feel works well, or not so well, for you and the person you are helping/have helped. We are working in partnership with Essex County Council and other agencies to make sure that your voice is heard and used to ensure that services and support are developed to meet the needs of the many people in Essex, like you, who care about others.
Please answer our short survey and help us understand how your caring role impact's you and what you feel could help. Your answers are anonymous and greatly valued in helping us inform and influence positive changes in the services available to offer you support.
Please contact the Healthwatch Essex Carers Voices team on 0300 500 1895 or email carersvoices@healthwatchessex.org.uk if you require this survey in a different format.
Thank you.