Yorkshire High Growth and Scale-up support survey

1. Yorkshire high growth/scale-up insight survey

This e-survey is part of a project looking at the support needs high growth and scale-up businesses in Yorkshire.

The four Yorkshire Growth Hubs have commissioned Steer Economic Development (Steer-ED), an independent economic development consultancy, to undertake this project.  The project is looking at the current support relevant to high growth businesses, their particular needs, and providing recommendations on future support. 

The focus of this survey is to capture the views of high growth and scale-up businesses on the visibility and effectiveness of current support and whether there are gaps in current provision. The survey should ideally be completed by a senior decision maker in the business.
Privacy notice
  • The survey data will collected using a platform called SmartSurvey (smartsurvey.co.uk). 
  • The survey will not collect personal data.
  • Aggregated findings and analysis will be included in the report and will be shared with the four Growth Hubs and their accountable bodies.
  • Your participation is voluntary.
  • All the data collected as part of the survey will be held securely within the European Economic Area on Steer-ED’s IT infrastructure with suitable security in place to ensure it is safe.
  • Individual busienss survey responses will be destroyed once the project has been completed