Cancer therapy - oral problems

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General Medicine and Surgery for Dental Practitioners (3rd Edition) (BDJ Clinician's Guide)General Medicine and Surgery for Dental Practitioners (3rd Edition) (BDJ Clinician's Guide) (includes the chapter Cancer, Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy and Dental Practice)

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Maxillofacial Rehabilitation: Prosthodontic and Surgical Management of Cancer-Related, Acquired and Congenital Defects of the Head and Neck (3rd Ed)Maxillofacial Rehabilitation: Prosthodontic and Surgical Management of Cancer-Related, Acquired and Congenital Defects of the Head and Neck (3rd Ed)


Orofacial Supportive Care in Cancer - A Contemporary Oral Oncology PerspectiveOrofacial Supportive Care in Cancer - A Contemporary Oral Oncology Perspective

This book can also be read as an ebook


Oral Complications of Cancer and its ManagementOral Complications of Cancer and its Management

This book can also be read as an ebook


Cancer Therapy - oral problemsCancer Therapy: Oral Problems - Package (folder) of articles
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Oral Effects of Radiotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer Patients : Aetiology and Pathophysiology Linked to Management (Ph.D. Thesis)Oral Effects of Radiotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer Patients : Aetiology and Pathophysiology Linked to Management (Ph.D. Thesis) - read here

This is part of our dental theses collection


Understanding the Impact of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy on Dental and Oral Tissues in Oropharyngeal Cancer Patients (Ph.D. Thesis)Understanding the Impact of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy on Dental and Oral Tissues in Oropharyngeal Cancer Patients (Ph.D. Thesis) - read here

This is part of our dental theses collection


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