SHARP scheme survey


Welcome! Please read the following information before taking part in the survey.


What is the purpose of the research study?

The Safety Helmet Assessment and Rating Programme (SHARP) is a motorcycle helmet safety consumer information scheme launched by the UK’s Department for Transport (DfT) in 2007, following research by TRL revealing the differences in the safety performance of motorcycle helmets available in Great Britain.

The SHARP scheme promotes the importance of motorcycle helmets and advises on their correct fitment, whilst providing an independent objective assessment of the level of impact safety protection that a helmet model would provide the wearer during a collision.

As a consumer information scheme, it is important that SHARP understands and meets the needs of the motorcyclists that will use it. This survey therefore aims to gather insights into your riding and helmet purchase behaviour and your understanding and use of the SHARP scheme as a rider in the UK. The results from this survey will be used by the DfT to inform future enhancements to the SHARP scheme and to ensure the scheme continues to meet the evolving needs of UK consumers.


What will happen if I choose to take part? What do I have to do?

You will be asked a list of questions relating to your use of motorcycle(s) and helmet(s). We anticipate that the survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. You may complete the this survey without providing any identifying information. 


Will my taking part in this project be kept confidential? 

Your answers will be collated with responses from other participants and reported as summary data, meaning that you will not be individually identifiable in the report. 

You will be able to enter your name and email address in order to take part in three free prize draws worth £50 each. If you complete the survey, you will be entered automatically. If you do not complete the survey but would still like to enter, please email All personal data collected as part of this study will be stored securely. Further information regarding data privacy can be found here: TRL Privacy Notice


What are the possible benefits of taking part?

Your response will provide insights into how motorcyclists in the UK find and use information on helmet safety and inform future enhancements to the SHARP scheme to ensure that the scheme continues to meet the evolving needs of UK consumers.


What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?

We do not anticipate any risks in taking part in this survey. You may end the survey at any time without providing any reason should you wish to do so.


What will happen to the results of the research?

All data will be analysed and presented in a report that will be made publicly available on the SHARP website. Results may be presented at future conferences and events. 


Ethical review of the study

The project has been reviewed by TRL’s Research Ethics Panel. 


Contacts for further information

If you have any further questions, you can contact the Project Lead Ross Clark-Raee at

Thank you for taking part in this research.


Please answer the following questions *

I have read and understood the information above and have had the opportunity to ask questions by emailing
I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time without giving a reason, by closing the survey
I give my consent to participate in this survey