1. Dear FL-Exercise teachers and members

We would be grateful if you could spare 5 minutes to complete this online survey by 10 October to help us gauge the likely interest and support for holding the 90th Anniversary Celebrations in Bath on 2nd April 2022   Thank you
The Events Team
(Note : provisional bookings are being held at both venues at the moment)

1. Were you going to attend Bath in 2020 originally? *


2. If the event was re-staged as originally planned for March 2020 (classes, the show, a dinner) would you anticipate attending? : *


3. Would you prefer to attend a smaller scaled-down event which would allow you to visit Bath for the day only? : *


4. If you were interested in attending for The Day only - please tick which options you would prefer. Please proceed straight to Question 6, DO NOT answer Question 5 :


5. If you were interested in attending for The Weekend - please tick which options you would prefer. Please DO NOT complete if you selected Question 4 :


6. Do you think we should NOT reschedule an event for 2022? : *


7. If you would like to see the anniversary celebrated but in a different way, please tell us :


8. If this were to be the last event ever how would you feel? *


9. We would love to know if you are a Teacher or Member : *


10. Please state your area / region : *


11. How did you hear about the Event - select one option : *

Check out our survey templates or create your own.