Healthwatch Isle of Wight Prioritisation Survey 2023

1. Healthwatch Isle of Wight Prioritisation Survey 2023

Healthwatch Isle of Wight is the only independent consumer champion for health and social care with statutory powers. We were set up to listen to the voice of the local community and we work with others to make improvements to health and social care services.
This is your chance to help decide what we will concentrate on over the next 18 months.  The survey is anonymous and the results will be shared with the Hampshire and IOW Integrated Care System and with Involving People (

You can also email the survey link to any family, friends or colleagues, share on your social media or just let people know it’s available. The more people we hear from, the more we know we are focusing our efforts on the things that matter most to our local communities.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this.

Closing Date: 17th March 2023

1. Please tick 3 of the options below that you feel we should be working on: *


2. Please tell us why you would like us to focus on these topics: