Policing and Crime Youth Consultation

1. Your views on Policing, Crime and Community Safety in West Yorkshire

The Mayor for West Yorkshire, Tracy Brabin and her Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, Alison Lowe are responsible for overseeing policing on behalf of the public in West Yorkshire. In order to do this, they need to hear from all communities, including the experiences of young people across the county.

The feedback they receive helps them to inform the Police and Crime Plan and work with the Chief Constable to ensure that West Yorkshire is a Safe, Just and Inclusive place to live for everyone.

This survey will help them to understand young people's feelings on policing, crime and community safety in West Yorkshire.

The findings from this survey will also help to shape our Youth Conference which will take place in early 2024.

If you would prefer to give us your views on policing, crime and community safety in an alternative way, for example by submitting a multi-media response such as art, creative writing or music, please share them via email at: consultation.pc@westyorks-ca.gov.uk