Flood warning systems and alerts


1. Have you ever received an alert or warning concerning floods in your area?
If so please explain how this was received.


2. If you answered 'Other' please explain below:


3. Did you receive the alert personally or was it found through searching? i.e web search/ news channel


4. Did the warning/ alert provide adequate information?
Please explain .


5. Did you receive the warning/ alert in a sufficient amount of time?


6. Were you given advice/ information regarding what action should be taken?
Please explain


7. What could be improved to make the warning/ alert more efficient?


8. Would you have known about the flood alert/warning without the use of technology?


9. Are you aware of how the Government flood warning traffic light system operates?
If no please explain why,


10. Do you feel you would be adequately prepared for when the floods strike when using the advice given by government warnings/ alerts?
Please Explain,


11. Are you aware of any other warning systems/ alerts for flooding that are used by the government?
Please explain


12. Have you ever personally been affected by floods?
If Yes please explain if you were happy with the information, guidance and support given.

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