Foundation for Science and Technology - Review of the FST Journal


1. How do you see and access the FST Journal?


2. How many FST Journals have you read any part of in the last year?


3. If you read the FST Journal, do you read it:


4. If you have received any copy of the FST Journal in the last year, do you tend to read:


5. Were you aware that the FST Journal is available online?


6. How likely is it that you would read the FST Journal if it was only available online?


7. To what extent do you agree with the following statement?

The FST Journal is a useful source of information on policy questions with a science, engineering or medical element.


8. To what extent do you agree with the following statement?

The FST Journal has helped shape my opinion on important policy issues


9. To what extent do you agree with the following statement?

I would recommend the FST Journal to a colleague


10. How could we improve the FST Journal?


11. Audience category - are you:


12. Which age category are you in?


13. Which gender do you identify with?


14. What is your ethnic group?

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