Leeds Autism AIM quarterly feedback - January-March 2023

1. About you

To make sure we are offering the best possible service, Leeds Autism AIM would like your feedback. If you have accessed any part of our service between January and March 2023 and want to let us know how it worked for you, we would love to hear your thoughts.

In this quick survey, we have a few questions. Any feedback given in the survey will be used to help make improvements to what Leeds Autism AIM does. Please note that any information we use from this survey will be used as feedback and nothing else.

1. Are you any of the following? You can choose more than one option


2. Which of the following services have you accessed? Please tick any that apply


3. How do you feel after using our service?

Did the service meet your needs?
Do you feel your mental health and 'wellbeing' has improved after using the AIM service?
Do you feel less isolated?
Do you feel like you have got the information you needed?
Do you feel more positive about any next steps you need to take?
Do you feel you know more about what your rights are?
Do you feel you more confident in putting forward your needs e.g. asking for reasonable adjustments?

4. Would you recommend using Leeds Autism AIM to anyone else?


5. Is there anything in particular you liked about our service?


6. Is there anything you think we could do better?