Consultation and Engagement for Cheshire and Merseyside Suicide Prevention Strategy - Stakeholders

Champs Public Health Collaborative, led by the nine Directors of Public Health in Cheshire and Merseyside are working with the subregion’s Integrated Care System to develop a new suicide prevention strategy for the 2.5 million people we serve. The Collaborative have commissioned HITCH Marketing to undertake consultation and engagement of the new suicide prevention strategy for the subregion.

The aim of this consultation is to allow partners and stakeholders to contribute towards shaping the future strategy. The new strategy will be in place by early 2022.

The survey will take around 10 minutes to complete.

Please read the current Suicide Prevention Strategy for Cheshire & Merseyside before completing this questionnaire 

Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey. If you have any questions about the survey, please email