Hammersmith & Fulham Social Prescribing Feedback Survey

Share your feedback about social prescribing services – PATIENTS SURVEY

Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham wants to find out from a wide range of people about how well social prescribing services in the borough are working, and where they could be better.

Healthwatch H&F gives you the chance to say what you think about how local health and social care services are run. We make sure National Health Service (NHS) leaders and other decision makers hear your voice and use your feedback to improve care.

What are social prescribing services? 

Social prescribing services provide non-medical solutions for patients with health and wellbeing issues, such as ill mental health, loneliness, or financial pressures, by providing social, emotional and practical care and support. It is part of the personalised care approach that encourages people to have greater choice and control over their lives. It was formally introduced to the borough around 2019. GP practices in Hammersmith and Fulham can refer patients aged 18+ to a social prescribing link worker.

What are social prescribing link workers?

Social prescribing link workers spend time with the patient to develop their personal plan to improve the patient’s health and wellbeing. Link workers will share information with the patient about local services that might help them, such as physical activity, cooking, financial support, gardening, arts and crafts classes, or befriending schemes. For more information, please visit our website.

Source: Hammersmith and Fulham Central PCN

How will your response make a difference? 
Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham will be very grateful to everyone who completes this survey, as it will make an important contribution to improving social prescribing services in Hammersmith and Fulham. We will produce a report from your responses and additional research, with key findings and recommendations.

It should take no more than ten minutes to share your feedback.

If you would prefer a member of staff to talk you through the survey, or to complete a hard copy version, please call 0203 886 0386, and we will arrange this.

Deadline: Friday 31st March 2023

By completing this form, you consent to your data being used anonymously by Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham. For more information on how we use your information, please visit: Privacy Policy - Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham.

1. I am filling this in as: *


2. Who from the GP practice referred you, or the person you care for, to a link worker? 


3. When were you referred to a link worker?


4. What was the reason for being referred to a link worker? (Tick as many that apply)


5. How easy was it to get a referral to a link worker? 


6. What could have made the referral process easier for you? 


7. How many sessions have you had/plan to have with your link worker? 


8. If you did not complete all sessions with your link worker, please tell us why: 


9. Do you agree with the following statements about your experience with the link worker?

Strongly agreeSlightly agreeNeither agree/disagreeSlightly disagreeStrongly disagree
The link worker listened to me closely and carefully
The link worker offered a lot of information and advice
I was in control of my personal plan
The link worker helped me with my problem
It was easy to meet with the link worker

10. Did the link worker refer or signpost you to a social prescribing activity/support service?


11. If yes, which social prescribing services were you referred to? (E.g. physical activity, cooking, financial advice, gardening, arts and crafts, befriending scheme)


12. Did you use the social prescribing activity/support service the link worker recommended? (If you used more than one service, please tell us your experience of using one of those services).Save Question


13. If no, or you did not continue to use the social prescribing activity/support service, please tell us why:


14. Do you agree with the following statements about your experience of the social prescribing activity/support service? (If you used more than one service, please tell us your experience of using one of those services).

Strongly agreeSlightly agreeNeither agree/disagreeSlightly disagreeStrongly disagree
My link worker organised my social prescribing service quickly
The social prescribing service helped me with my problem
The social prescribing service was in a convenient place
The social prescribing service staff were friendly

15. How much do you agree that your social prescribing service is helping/has helped you with the following: (If you used more than one service, please tell us your experience of using one of those services)

Strongly agreeSlightly agreeNeither agree/disagreeSlightly disagreeStrongly disagree
My self-esteem and confidence have improved
I have more control over my life/life decisions
I feel happier more often
I feel more hope and optimism about my future
I use medication or alcohol less
My physical health and energy levels have improved
I have been able to find a job
I feel less lonely

16. Have you reduced how often you use NHS services since using the social prescribing service?


17. Overall, how do you rate your experience of using the Hammersmith and Fulham Social Prescribing service?


18. Did you know about the social prescribing service before you used it?


19. How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact your access to the social prescribing service?


20. What else is working well? How else can we improve the social prescribing service for patients?


21. Would you like to speak more with the Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham team about your experience?


22. If yes, please share your contact details and one of our team members will contact you:


23. What gender do you identify yourself as?


24. Which age group are you in?


25. What is your ethnicity?


26. Do you consider yourself to have a disability?


27. Do you consider yourself to have a long-term condition or health and social care need?


28. Are you religious? If so, what is your religious practice?


29. What is your sexual orientation?


30. Are you currently pregnant or have you been pregnant in the last year? 


31. Which of these best describes your employment status?


32.  Are you an unpaid carer?


33. Which area of the borough do you live in?


34. Confirmation of consent

I consent to sharing my information with Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham as part of social prescribing research survey. This information will be stored in our system for 12 months and will only be used for this piece of research and any updates related to this project.


35. Please share your contact details below if you would like to receive a copy of the research report.


36. Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham can keep you updated about your local health and social care services and opportunities to have your say. Do you wish to be added to our mailing list?