Orkney’s Community Wind Farm Project – Hoy Pre-Application Consultation
1. Introduction
Thank you for taking part in this consultation, which is part of the pre-application consultation (PAC) process being undertaken before we submit a planning application for this project.

The objective of the PAC is for communities to be better informed about major and national development proposals and to have an opportunity to contribute their views before a formal planning application is submitted to the planning authority. The PAC does not take away the need for, and right of, individuals and communities to express formal views to the planning authority during the planning application process itself. It is important, therefore, for communities and others to follow their interest in a proposal through to the planning application stage, when views can be made to the planning authority the application is determined.

Please note, before answering the following questions you should view the full proposals for the development at www.orkney.gov.uk/HoyPAC. You should also take the opportunity to contact our project team to discuss any queries or concerns you may have. Full details on how to do this are also available at www.orkney.gov.uk/HoyPAC.

We’d be grateful if you could now take some time to answer the following questions – your feedback is important to us.
The deadline for completion of this online survey is 12.00 on Monday 8 June 2020.  A downloadable and printable version of this survey is also available at www.orkney.gov.uk/HoyPAC. Again, the deadline for submission of comments is 12.00 on Monday 8 June and completed forms can be emailed to kirsty.groundwater@orkney.gov.uk or posted to Kirsty Groundwater, Project Officer, Orkney Islands Council, Town House, Stromness, KW16 3AA.