Displaced individuals’ experience of online therapy



1. My name is Anastassia Piatakhina Giré and I am a doctoral student at Metanoia Institute, London. I would like to invite you to participate in my research project called “Displacement and online therapy. Exploring the displaced individuals’ experience of online therapy.” My aim is to explore how a person living outside of his/her country of birth (emigrants, expats, etc.) experience online therapy.


Once you have agreed to take the survey, you will be directed to the survey questions. It should not take you more than 5-7 minutes to complete this survey.

Risks and Benefits of your participation in this research:

There are no foreseen mental or health risks. You can leave the survey and stop responding at any moment. There are no direct benefits for participating in this study, except for using your goodwill and several minutes to participate in creating some knowledge about mental health, which can potentially benefit many. You can contact me directly if you have any questions or suggestions regarding this survey: anastassia.gire@metanoia.ac.uk


The study is completely anonymous and no identifying information will be collected. The data will be stored electronically on the researcher’s computer in a password-protected folder and will be only used in the research interests.


The survey is part of an on-going research programme conducted by the Metanoia Institute, which has received ethical approval by the Metanoia Research Ethics Committee. In this regard a point of contact is Dr Stephen Goss (stephen.goss@metanoia.ac.uk) Chair of the Ethics Committee.

Statement of Consent:

I am 18 years old or older, able to read and answer questions truthfully. I had been in the past or I am currently in online therapy (counselling).

Click “I AGREE” to continue to the survey or “I DISAGREE” to exit *

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