NHS Orthodontic Care: Share Your Views


1. If you are a parent/carer, how old is your child/person you care for?
If you are a young person, how old are you?


2. What area do you live in?


3. Have you experienced any difficulties accessing NHS orthodontic care? Examples could include location, waiting times, opening hours, and appointment availability. 


4. What is the most important for you when choosing an NHS Orthodontist? You may tick up to three options.


5. How do you, or would you, get to the orthodontist? 


6. How far would you be willing to travel for your appointments with an orthodontist?


7. Would you prefer the orthodontic practice to be nearer your home, school or place of work?


8. When would you prefer to have an orthodontist appointment?


9. What would you consider to be an acceptable time to wait to start NHS orthodontic treatment?


10. If your child or the young person you care for has had orthodontic treatment in the last 2 years or is currently undergoing orthodontic treatment:

With 1 being very bad, and 6 being very good, how would you rate the care they received during treatment?


11. Is there anything that could be improved about the treatment they had?


12. Would you recommend the orthodontic practice to family and friends?


13. Do you have any other comments or suggestions on how the experience could be improved?


14. If you’d be happy to share your experience in more detail with one of our team, please leave your first name and contact details below.