Parental engagement: primary school vaccinations

1. Parent Engagement Primary School Vaccinations



Help us to understand what we are doing well and where we can improve. Please take a few minutes to tell us about your recent experience of your child being vaccinated in  primary school.

This survey is anonymous. 


1. What primary school does your child attend? *


2. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

I trust the information I am given on vaccinations by the HSE
I trust the information I am given on vaccinations by the Government
I trust the information I am given on vaccinations by my GP
I trust the information I am given on vaccinations by family/ friends
I trust the information I am given on vaccinations by the media (e.g Newspaper, Television)
I trust the information I am given on vaccinations by social media (e.g Tiktok, Twitter, Facebook)
Vaccines help prevent serious disease
If we stop vaccinating primary school children many diseases could return
Primary school vaccines are important for children to have

3. Do you have any concerns about primary school vaccinations?


4. Did your child get the primary school vaccination ( 4 in 1 and MMR) ?