Randomised Controlled Trial submission

Randomised Controlled Trial submission

1. Randomised Controlled Trial project submission form


This form is for randomised controlled trial (RCT) submissions. If your project is not an RCT, please use the form for standard research projects. The Policing and Crime Reduction Research Map includes UK RCTs both completed and ongoing. It has been developed to:

  • assist researchers, decision makers and practitioners to locate one another, so that they can identify areas of mutual interest
  • decrease the risk of duplication and increase the potential for collaboration
  • identify potential knowledge gaps in policing and crime reduction-related research

Once projects are completed, contributing researchers are invited to share their final reports with the National Police Library. Your submissions to the Research Map are central to our continuing work in mapping the current and evolving evidence-base in policing and crime reduction. Thank you for your contribution.


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