GP's Attitudes: Inclusivity and Accessibility - Gloucestershire

This survey is designed to find out about inclusivity and accessibility when it comes to the experience of young people using GP services.

We want to know what it is young people want to see from their local services, this is your time to let your opinion shine through, be honest, be passionate, it might be in word form, but your voice makes a difference, so write it loud!

If you have any questions get in touch with Healthwatch Gloucestershire at

1. Would you feel confident talking to your GP? Why?


2. Has Covid impacted seeing your doctor? How?


3. Do you feel cared for, and listened to, by your GP?


4. Do you feel like you’re taken seriously?


5. How has your experience been so far?


6. If you had a health concern would the GP be your first person to contact?


7. How would you like to contact a GP (e.g. online, phone, in person)? Is it accessible for you?


8. Does your cultural background impact your confidence when talking to the GP? Why do you think that is?


9. Do you feel you can communicate effectively with your GP?

By telling us more information about yourself, you can help us better understand how people's experiences may differ depending on their personal characteristics.  However, if you do not wish to answer these questions you do not have to.

10. How old are you?


11. Would you identify yourself as having a disability (physical and/or invisible)?


12. Which ethnic group do you identify with?


13. Which gender do you identify with?


14. What is your sexual orientation?


15. What religion do you identify with?


16. Healthwatch Gloucestershire would like to anonymously use comments provided in this survey within published reports. These reports are shared with the public and health decision makers to help improve services.

Do you give your consent to have your comments published? *