MITx : 21W.789x

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1. You are :


2. How old are you?


3. What kind of smart do you own?


4. How often do you use map application on you smartphone?


5. Do you use your smartphone to search for restaurants, etc near you?


6. How often do you engage in the above activity?


7. How often do you share your location with your friends and family? (eg : check-in through facebook/twitter,etc.)


8. Do you request for the GPS location if your are meeting someone at some place you never been? (To find route using you favorite map application)


9. How likely are you to recommend a place to your friends and family? (If you liked the place)


10. How you recommend something to someone?


11. What are the other things that you recommend to your family and friends?


12. Does coupons/discounts encourages you to shop more?


13. How likely are to visit a mall after seeing an advertisement/hoarding about an interesting offer?


14. How often do you browse e-commerce sites(ebay / amazon / flipkart / etc) for offers or discounts?


15. How often do you read advertisement mail from different e-coummerce sites like ebay/amazon/flipkart/myntra/etc?

Create your own free online survey.