What are the perceptions regarding the changes in nursing qualifications by student nurses?

1. What is your age?


2. What is your gender?


3. How would you describe your living arrangements?


4. What institution are you currently studying at?


5. What are you currently studying?


What do you think the role of a nurse should entail?


6. Are you aware of the qualifications required to become a nurse?


7. What percentage of theory work (per year) is required as part of your course?


8. How many weeks of placement (per year) are your required to complete in your training?


9. Should students need more practical experience to become a nurse?


10. Did you know that the National Midwifery Council (NMC) enforced mandatory requirements, from 2013 all new student nurses must hold a degree level?


11. Do you believe that nursing should be more medically involved?


12. Do you believe that nursing should be more academically involved even more?


13. What is the likelihood that's nursing qualifications will be raised again in the future?


14. if nursing students did not hold a nursing degree, what impact do you think it would have on patients?

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