Attitudes towards Witchcraft and Magic

I am a Year 13 A-Level student from the West Midlands, UK and this survey is being used for my AQA Extended Project concerning attitudes towards witchcraft and magic, primarily in British society, during the Late Medieval and Early Modern periods of British history and today. All responses are anonymous and will be used to help analyse attitudes towards witchcraft and magic now and whether they have changed significantly from the times when witch trials were common.
By responding to this survey you are agreeing for your answers to be used in this way. 
Thank you for your participation.  
Please answer all questions. 

1. Page 1


1. Gender


2. How old are you?


3. What is your nationality?


4. What is your religion?


5. When magic and witchcraft are mentioned to you, what are your initial thoughts?



6. Do you believe in magic?


7. If you answered 'yes' to question 6, have you experienced any significant attitudes towards or against your belief? If so, what were they?



8. If you answered 'no' to question 6,  why do you not believe in magic and witchcraft?


9. Where do you feel that your attitudes and beliefs stemmed from on witchcraft and magic? (e.g. family values, religion etc.)



10. Do you feel that attitudes towards magic and witchcraft have improved, stayed the same or gotten worse since medieval times?




What do you feel was the main reason for the witch trials that took place during history?



12. Do you believe that witchcraft is still an issue in society today?


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