HASSRA NW Sportsman of the Year 2019

1. HASSRA NW Sportsman of the Year 2019

Nominations will be judged on the individual's performance in their chosen sport or sports throughout 2018, taking into account any success in competitions and events within HASSRA and CSSC and also outside of the Civil Service. The submission should be concise and should be limited to successes within 2019. 

1. What is the name and location of the nominee for Sportsman of the Year? *


2. What is your name and email address? (In case we need to contact you.) *


3. What is the primary sport for which they are being nominated? *


4. Tell us about any ranking in their sport that indicates their level of achievement (i.e. 20th in County), stating when the ranking was last set.


5. Provide a brief summary of their competitive achievements during the year, including successes in notable HASSRA and CSSC events as well as in non Civil Service events. *


6. Tell us about their participation in regional HASSRA events or competitions and placings.


7. Tell us about any additional information - including the extent to which the nominee engages with HASSRA and their services to HASSRA and to sport in general. This should include any administrative positions in ‘outside’ sports bodies. If appropriate details should also be given of any particular difficulties or barriers that the nominee may have had to overcome in pursuit of their sport

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