Cheveley Neighbourhood Plan

1. Cheveley Neighbourhood Plan Launch Survey

The Cheveley Parish Neighbourhood Plan is being launched and will be developed by a group of residents working with our Parish Council. We want everyone to have their say. This survey is the first stage in a programme of public consultations. The information collated will provide us with your initial views on how Cheveley Parish should develop in the future. If there are issues you feel strongly about concerning planning and development which are not included, please tell us. There is space at the end for comments.

1. Do you think there is a need for additional housing in Cheveley Parish over the next 15 years?


2. Please indicate what scale of housing development you think is most appropriate in Cheveley Parish?


3. What type of housing do you consider would be most appropriate for Cheveley Parish? (please tick all that apply)


4. What would be your main concern if housing development takes place?


5. Do you think Cheveley parish currently offers good access to Green Open Space?


6. Cheveley Parish has a number of Statutory Listed Buildings and a designated Conservation Area. Aside from those already Listed, are there any other buildings or assets you consider should be recognised for their historic value?


7. Do you think the design of new development, including householder extensions, is important?


8. What do you regard as the top three reasons that make it attractive to live in the Parish?


9. What do you regard as the top three issues which detract from living in the Parish?


10. Finally, what have we missed / any other comments?

Create your own free online survey.