Speech therapy management techniques and its effect on social anxiety
Description of the study
This study is part of the project titled “Advice in speech therapy for stuttering: what is suggested, what is used and what is the impact on speech fluency and anxiety”. This project is supported by Flinders University, College of Nursing and Health Sciences.

Purpose of the study
This project aims to compare teaching and use of speech therapy management techniques, to determine how those techniques are used and to assess whether using those techniques has increased/decreased social anxiety in people who stutter and to compare this to the viewpoint of speech and language therapists.

What will I be asked to do?
You are invited to complete a questionnaire online regarding stuttering management techniques that you use and various questions about your anxiety in social situations. Participation is entirely voluntary and you can exit at any time if you no longer want to participate. The questionnaire will take about 4 minutes to complete and will be available on the following pages. 

What benefit will I gain from being involved in this study?
The sharing of your experiences will not benefit you directly. However, the outcome of this study could results in the modification of current speech therapy delivery and provide long term benefit to the participants, other stutterers and speech pathologists.

Will I be identifiable by being involved in this study?
We do not need your name and you will be anonymous. No identifying information will be collected and your responses will not be linked directly to you. All information and results obtained in this study will be stored in a secure way, with access restricted to relevant researchers.

Are there any risks or discomforts if I am involved?
The researcher anticipates few risks from your involvement in this study. However, given the nature of the project, some participants could experience emotional discomfort and some questions may be distressing to those who experience stuttering. For example, there will be questions asking your main reason for using certain stuttering management techniques. If any emotional discomfort is experienced, please contact Lifeline (ph. 13 11 14), MensLine Australia (ph.1300 78 99 78) or BeyondBlue (ph. 1300 22 4636) for support and counselling. If you have any concerns regarding anticipated or actual risks or discomforts, please raise them with the researcher (email provided above).

How do I agree to participate?
Participation is voluntary and by filling in the questionnaire, it is implied that you have given consent for your response to be used as part of the study. You are free to exit the questionnaire at any point without any consequences.

How will I receive feedback?
On project completion, outcomes of the project will be available as a publication with the same title as the project.

Thank you for taking the time to read this information sheet, and we hope that you will accept our invitation to be involved.

Any queries can be sent to michelle@swiftspeech.clinic, mxu485@student.bham.ac.uk, or mark.irwin42@gmail.com.

1. I confirm I have read the above text and consent to participating in this study. *


2. Please confirm. *

Use our survey software to create your survey.